5 Natural Strategies to Improve Gut Health Everyone knows that digestion happens in the gut, but most people are unaware that this function affects immunity and disease. When your gut health is impaired, it can take a toll on your overall health – often leading to chronic illness and uncomfortable symptoms throughout the body. In…

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How to Sustain Natural Energy All Day When the alarm rings and you drag yourself out of bed, it can be hard to summon enough energy to get to the kitchen for a morning cup of coffee. The caffeine perk is enough to get you out the door, but then you find yourself reaching for…

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Root vs. Above-Ground Vegetables: What’s the Difference? It’s no surprise that a diet filled with a variety of fruits and vegetables is an essential part of maximizing health. These plant-based ingredients are loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, and many other health-boosting compounds. Above-Ground vs. Root Vegetables Vegetables can grow both above-ground and below-ground, with…

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How Does Social Isolation Affect Your Health? In 2020, much of the focus of the pandemic had been placed on social distancing to limit the spread of the virus. While care needs to be taken, especially for the vulnerable and people with comorbidities, we also need to understand the long-term effects of social isolation on…

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