Allergy Symptoms: Uncovering the Root Cause

allergy symptoms

Allergy Symptoms: Uncovering the Root Cause Allergy Symptoms: Uncovering the Root Cause As the weather is warming up, do you find that allergy symptoms are starting to show up? Seasonal allergies can range from mild discomfort to major symptoms that disrupt your lifestyle. Environmental triggers cause an immune reaction within the body. When you come…

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5 Ways to Build Better Posture


5 Ways to Build Better Posture Posture and alignment problems are becoming an increasing issue in our modern society. People of all ages are suffering from “text neck” and other related spinal issues because of the slouching and poor posture when using the computer or a mobile device. Maintaining a good posture is essential to…

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5 Natural Strategies to Improve Gut Health

gut health

5 Natural Strategies to Improve Gut Health Everyone knows that digestion happens in the gut, but most people are unaware that this function affects immunity and disease. When your gut health is impaired, it can take a toll on your overall health – often leading to chronic illness and uncomfortable symptoms throughout the body. In…

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How to Improve Energy Naturally

a woman doing a handstand showcasing how Functional Medicine can help improve energy.

How to Improve Energy Naturally How to Improve Energy Naturally When the alarm rings and you drag yourself out of bed, it can be hard to summon enough energy to get to the kitchen for a morning cup of coffee. The caffeine perk is enough to get you out the door, but then you find…

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Root vs. Above-Ground Vegetables: What’s the Difference?

a basket of vegetables and onions

Root vs. Above-Ground Vegetables: What’s the Difference? It’s no surprise that a diet filled with a variety of fruits and vegetables is an essential part of maximizing your health And wellbeing. Back On Track 2 Wellness holds the belief that plant-based ingredients are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, and other health-boosting compounds. Above-Ground vs.…

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