Why Regular Family Chiropractic Care Should Be Part of Your Family’s Healthy Lifestyle Habit

a happy and active family enjoying the benefits of family chiropractic care

Why Regular Family Chiropractic Care Should Be Part of Your Family’s Healthy Lifestyle Habit When it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, most people think of balanced diets, regular exercise, and adequate sleep. While these are indeed crucial, there’s another essential component often overlooked: chiropractic care. Regular family chiropractic care should be a staple in…

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Navigating Perimenopause: The Comprehensive Functional Medicine Approach to a Smooth Transition

three woman of varying ages all in some stage of menopause/perimenopause.

Navigating Perimenopause: The Comprehensive Functional Medicine Approach to a Smooth Transition Perimenopause is a significant phase in a woman’s life, often filled with a mix of physical, emotional, and psychological changes. This transition to menopause can be challenging, but with the right information and support, it can also be a time of empowerment and growth.…

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Solving PCOS: The Functional Medicine Approach

the pains of unmanaged PCOS.

Solving PCOS: The Functional Medicine Approach Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common yet complex endocrine disorder affecting millions of women worldwide. At Back On Track 2 Wellness in Roseville, California, we emphasize a holistic, functional medicine approach to understanding and managing PCOS. By addressing root causes and systemic imbalances, functional medicine offers hope for…

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The Powerful Connection Between Sleep and Thyroid Health

insomnia caused by the connection between sleep and thyroid health.

The Powerful Connection Between Sleep and Thyroid Health The Intricate Connection Between Sleep and Thyroid Health At Back On Track 2 Wellness, we recognize the profound impact of sleep on overall health and wellness, particularly in relation to thyroid function. Sleep is an essential component of holistic health, influencing numerous bodily functions, including hormone regulation,…

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How Neck Misalignments Contribute to Health and Disease – Part 1 of the Modern Chiropractic Care Series

neck misalignment illustrated by an image of a modern looking spine

How Neck Misalignments Contribute to Health and Disease – Part 1 of the Modern Chiropractic Care Series Introduction The neck, or cervical spine, is a critical area that influences overall health. Misalignments in this region can have far-reaching effects on various bodily systems. This guide will explore the specific relationships between cervical spinal segments, organs,…

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Why Am I Always Sick? Building Immune Resilience

a sick woman asking herself the question, "why am I always sick?"

Why Am I Always Sick? Building Immune Resilience Why Am I Always Sick? Building Immune Resilience When it comes to health, one of the most intriguing questions we face in our office is: “Why am I always sick?” Understanding the concept of immune resilience can shed light on why individuals, even those living in the…

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