The pain doesn't have to last.

Motor vehicle accidents and other injuries can have life-long impacts. Chiropractic and personal injury care with an individualized approach can prevent this pain from following you in life.

Chiropractic Care for Personal Injuries

Life can change in an instant: an accident or personal injury not only alters your life immediately but can have ongoing consequences in the future. A variety of unexpected events can result in physical injuries, such as car crashes, workplace accidents, or slipping and falling.

Whether the accident happened at home, or you are the victim of negligence on the part of another person, you need treatment to support the healing process. Chiropractic services and personal injury care can be helpful for a variety of injuries, including neck and back, musculoskeletal, whiplash, and soft tissue.

Full-service personal injury care goes beyond a few back adjustments. Treatments are available for many parts of the body. This approach can offer accident victims many benefits, including:

  • Diagnosis and discovery of hidden injuries
  • Documentation to strengthen insurance claims
  • Faster healing
  • Reduce the risk of long-term pain

Even if you aren’t in severe pain after the injury, it’s recommended that you visit a chiropractor within 3-7 days after the accident. Unseen injuries can result in chronic issues that surface days (or even months) after the accident. The longer you wait for medical care, the longer it will take for you to heal fully.


people per day are injured due to a car accident.

Muscle soreness after a car accident can last as long as

6 weeks

2 million

people per year experience permanent injuries from car accidents.

Motor vehicle accidents are the most common cause of personal injury, requiring chiropractic care. Dr. Todd also has experience supporting patients with injuries after swimming, biking, running, extreme sports, snow-related injuries, and more.

Depending on the circumstances of the accident, it’s possible that insurance coverage will pay for the costs of chiropractic and personal injury care. Talk to the insurance provider and our office staff to learn more about your financial coverage options for chiropractic services. We support accident victims with full documentation to help with insurance claims.

Top Injuries

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Slip and Fall

Pedestrian accident

Sports Injury

Why Chiropractic for Accidents and Injuries?

The most common approach to alleviating pain after an accident is medication or surgery. Chiropractic care is another option to consider – a minimally invasive way to support healing in the body. Too often, the pain, stiffness, and discomfort set in days or weeks after an accident. You can minimize these symptoms by working with a chiropractor who specializes in personal injury care.

While immediate treatment is optimal, chiropractic and personal injury care can be helpful at any stage in your recovery. If you are experiencing pain or discomfort from an injury, then don’t hesitate to book an appointment with Dr. Todd to learn more about personal injury care.

Here are a few reasons why it’s essential to visit a chiropractor as soon as possible after an accident:

Hidden Injuries

After an accident, cuts, broken bones, and bruising are easy to identify. But these injuries often come with other invisible injuries as well, such as chronic headaches after a back injury. A chiropractor looks beyond the symptoms, offering a whole-body approach to identify imbalances and other potential issues.

Faster Recovery

Improving the body's alignment helps to optimize the way the soft tissue and bones heal, which helps to reduce the long-term consequences of the injury. Many people find that they can return to their normal activities more quickly when working with a chiropractor.

Minimally Invasive

Talk to a chiropractor, and they will tell you that chiropractic care should be your first stop after an accident. These treatments work with the natural structure and function of the body, helping to support healing.

Manage Inflammation

Micro injuries after an accident can’t be seen on an x-ray. For example, the muscles and ligaments might be injured due to micro-tears, which cause ongoing soreness and stiffness. This inflammation can be reduced using specific chiropractic techniques to support the positioning of the spine and other bones.

Range of Motion

Improper healing of an injury causes life-long consequences on the function and range of motion in the body. Your joints need free movement so you can complete necessary life activities, like getting dressed, walking, or brushing your teeth. Alignment is crucial for a range of motion, which is why chiropractic care is vital after an accident.


Seemingly simple chiropractic adjustments can have a noticeable impact on preventing your injuries from worsening and minimizing severe health consequences in the future. Immediate chiropractic treatment might reduce the need for surgery later on.

Save Money

The cost of chiropractic care is a fraction of the price you would pay for invasive surgery. Sometimes, surgery is unavoidable, but there are situations where patients can avoid surgery by choosing non-invasive chiropractic adjustments instead.

Reduce Medication

When you are experiencing pain, the body is sending you a signal that something is wrong. Painkillers disrupt these messages and mask the symptoms, which could hinder healing. Chiropractic care addresses the source of the pain to promote the recovery of the injury. Avoiding medication is also an important step to reduce the risk of addiction.

Complimentary Modalities

Don’t assume that you must pick between western medicine and chiropractic care. These treatment modalities can go hand-in-hand to support your overall results.

If you’ve been injured in an accident, then our team is here to provide the healing support you need.

Call to schedule a consultation with our experienced personal injury chiropractor, Dr. Todd.