Postpartum and Balancing Your Hormones After Pregnancy

a woman suffering from postpartum depression.

The journey of pregnancy and childbirth is a miraculous process that brings immense joy, but it also brings significant changes to a woman's body. One of the most critical yet often overlooked aspects of postpartum recovery is hormone balance. After giving birth, many women experience fluctuations in their hormones, which can impact their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Understanding these changes and how to manage them is crucial for a healthy postpartum recovery.

Hormone Changes After Pregnancy

During pregnancy, the body undergoes a dramatic increase in hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). These hormones play vital roles in maintaining pregnancy, supporting fetal development, and preparing the body for childbirth. However, after delivery, there is a sudden drop in these hormone levels, which can lead to a variety of symptoms and challenges.

Key Hormones Involved in Postpartum Recovery

  1. Estrogen: This hormone, which rises significantly during pregnancy, helps maintain the uterine lining and supports fetal development. After childbirth, estrogen levels drop sharply, which can lead to mood swings, hot flashes, and vaginal dryness.
  2. Progesterone: Known as the pregnancy hormone, progesterone supports the uterine lining and helps prevent contractions during pregnancy. Postpartum, progesterone levels also decrease, contributing to mood changes and fatigue.
  3. Prolactin: This hormone is responsible for milk production. Its levels rise after childbirth to support breastfeeding. High prolactin levels can suppress other hormones, like estrogen, potentially leading to irregular menstrual cycles and low libido.
  4. Oxytocin: Often called the "love hormone," oxytocin promotes bonding with the baby and helps with milk ejection during breastfeeding. It also plays a role in contracting the uterus post-delivery to reduce bleeding.
  5. Cortisol: The stress hormone cortisol can fluctuate during the postpartum period due to the physical and emotional stress of childbirth and caring for a newborn. Elevated cortisol levels can impact mood, sleep, and overall energy levels.

Symptoms of Postpartum Hormone Imbalance

Hormonal imbalances after pregnancy can manifest in various ways. Recognizing these symptoms can help in seeking timely intervention and support. Common symptoms include:

  • Mood swings and irritability
  • Anxiety and depression (postpartum depression)
  • Fatigue and low energy levels
  • Difficulty sleeping (insomnia)
  • Weight gain or difficulty losing weight
  • Hair loss
  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Hot flashes and night sweats
  • Low libido
  • Breastfeeding difficulties
  • Brain fog and difficulty concentrating


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The Best Strategies to Rebalance Your Hormones After Pregnancy

To help rebalance your hormones after pregnancy, consider incorporating these effective strategies into your daily routine:

Prioritize Healthy Fats

Healthy fats are vital for brain function and hormone production. Incorporate mood-boosting foods like wild-caught salmon and avocados into your diet. These foods supply the essential nutrients needed for overall health and hormone balance.

Support Liver Function

The liver plays a key role in metabolizing excess estrogen. However, toxin overload and inflammation can impair its efficiency. Incorporate herbs like milk thistle into your routine to help regenerate liver cells and enhance its function. A healthy liver is crucial for maintaining hormone balance and overall wellness.

Emphasize Whole Foods

Rather than restricting your diet to quickly "bounce back," focus on clean, whole foods. Proper nutrition is essential for hormone production and overall health. Ensure your diet includes a variety of vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and whole grains to provide the necessary nutrients for postpartum recovery.

Prioritize Quality Sleep

Aim for restorative sleep whenever possible. Establish a nighttime routine to help your mind unwind and fall asleep quickly and deeply. Consider practices like turning off electronics an hour before bed, using aromatherapy with essential oils such as lavender, and employing blackout shades to create a dark, sleep-conducive environment.

Supplement Wisely

Nutrient deficiencies can contribute to hormone imbalances. Consult your doctor to assess your nutrient levels and recommend suitable supplements. Supplements like melatonin can aid sleep, and tryptophan can help boost serotonin levels, improving mood and overall well-being.

Stay Hydrated

Proper hydration is essential for hormone health and breast milk production. Keep a water bottle handy and drink consistently throughout the day. Staying hydrated supports all bodily functions, including hormone regulation, and is fundamental for overall health.

The Importance of Sleep

Adequate sleep is crucial for postpartum recovery and hormone balance. Sleep deprivation can exacerbate hormonal imbalances, impacting mood, energy levels, and overall health. Here are some tips to improve sleep quality during the postpartum period:

  • Prioritize Rest: Take naps when the baby sleeps and rest as much as possible.
  • Create a Sleep-Friendly Environment: Keep the bedroom dark, quiet, and cool to promote better sleep.
  • Limit Stimulants: Avoid caffeine and electronic screens before bedtime.
  • Practice Relaxation Techniques: Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and gentle stretching can help relax the mind and body before sleep.

The Role of Movement

Physical activity is essential for postpartum recovery and overall well-being. However, it's crucial to listen to your body and not overdo it. Here are some guidelines for incorporating movement into your postpartum routine:

  • Start Slowly: Begin with gentle exercises like walking, stretching, and yoga. Gradually increase the intensity as your body heals.
  • Focus on Core and Pelvic Floor Strength: Strengthening the core and pelvic floor muscles can help improve posture, reduce back pain, and support overall recovery.
  • Incorporate Strength Training: Light resistance exercises can help rebuild muscle strength and boost metabolism.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, especially if you're breastfeeding.
  • Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body feels and avoid pushing yourself too hard. Rest when needed and consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise program.

Seeking Professional Support

Balancing hormones after pregnancy can be challenging, and it's important to seek professional support when needed. At Back On Track 2 Wellness, we offer a comprehensive functional medicine approach to help you balance your hormones and achieve optimal health. Our personalized treatment plans focus on addressing the root causes of hormonal imbalances, ensuring you receive the best care tailored to your unique needs.

How We Can Help

  1. Personalized Assessments: We conduct thorough evaluations to understand your hormonal health and identify imbalances.
  2. Nutritional Guidance: Our experts provide customized dietary plans to support hormone balance and overall wellness.
  3. Lifestyle Recommendations: We offer guidance on sleep, stress management, and physical activity to promote hormonal health.
  4. Supplementation: When necessary, we recommend supplements to support hormone production and balance.
  5. Ongoing Support: We provide continuous support and monitoring to help you achieve and maintain optimal health.

Contact Us

If you're experiencing postpartum hormone imbalances and want to learn more about how our functional medicine approach can help, please contact our office. We're here to support you on your journey to wellness and ensure you have the knowledge and tools needed for a healthy postpartum recovery.

Remember, every woman's postpartum journey is unique. It's essential to be patient with yourself, seek support when needed, and consult with healthcare professionals to ensure you're taking the best possible care of your body and mind during this transformative time.

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The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.


Dr. Todd W. Bunning, DC, PC

Dr. Todd W. Bunning’s chiropractic and functional medicine services reach far beyond the local Roseville area, with webcam consultations available for patients in any location. With over 20+ years of Private Practice experience, Dr. Todd continues to focus on the individual: science-based methods to address whole-body health factors.

Dr. Todd’s education didn’t stop when he graduated from Life West Chiropractic College in 2003. Today, he’s continuing to receive training and is chipping away on numerous post-graduate degree programs. This unique blend of clinical health investigation and Lifestyle Medicine application helps people of all ages find the underlying factors that result in chronic disease.

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